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  • thambrhymunagdaisw qeydiyyat: Sınaq imtahanlarının növləri, formatı və nəticələri

What is and how to register for online exams

If you are a student or a prospective student in Azerbaijan, you might have heard of, the online exam platform of the State Examination Center (SEC). offers a variety of online exams for different levels and purposes, such as entrance exams, graduation exams, state service exams, residency exams, and more. In this article, we will explain what is, why you should register for online exams, and how to do it step by step. We will also give you some tips and tricks on how to prepare for online exams and ace them with confidence. qeydiyyat


What is is the official website of the Online Test Bank (OTB), a project of the SEC that aims to provide students and candidates with an opportunity to practice and improve their knowledge and skills in various subjects and fields. allows users to take online exams that are similar to the real ones in terms of format, content, difficulty, and duration. Users can also get instant feedback on their performance, review their answers, and compare them with the correct ones.

Why register for online exams

Registering for online exams on has many benefits for students and candidates who want to prepare for their future academic or professional goals. Some of these benefits are:

  • You can test your knowledge and skills in a realistic and convenient way.

  • You can identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving them.

  • You can familiarize yourself with the exam format and procedures and reduce your anxiety and stress.

  • You can increase your confidence and motivation by seeing your progress and results.

  • You can access a wide range of exam types and subjects that suit your needs and interests.

How to register for online exams on

Step 1: Create an account on

The first step to register for online exams on is to create an account on the website. To do this, you need to:

  • Go to [](^1^) and click on the "Qeydiyyat" button at the top right corner of the homepage.

  • Fill in the registration form with your personal information, such as your name, surname, email address, phone number, date of birth, gender, education level, etc.

  • Create a username and password for your account and agree to the terms and conditions of the website.

  • Click on the "Qeydiyyatı tamamla" button at the bottom of the form.

  • Check your email inbox for a confirmation message from and click on the link provided to activate your account.

Step 2: Choose the exam type and subject

The next step is to choose the exam type and subject that you want to take on To do this, you need to:

  • Login to your account on using your username and password.

  • Click on the "Onlayn imtahanlar" button at the top left corner of the homepage.

  • Select the exam type that matches your level and purpose from the list of options available, such as "Siniflə rə bitirmə", "Tələbə qəbulu", "Dövlət qulluğu", "Tibb ixtisaslaşması", etc.

  • Select the subject that you want to take from the list of options available for each exam type, such as "Azərbaycan dili", "Riyaziyyat", "İngilis dili", "Tarix", etc.

  • Click on the "İmtahana başla" button at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Pay the exam fee and confirm your registration

The final step is to pay the exam fee and confirm your registration on To do this, you need to:

  • Check the exam fee for the exam type and subject that you have chosen on the website. The exam fee varies depending on the exam type and subject, but it is usually between 2 and 10 AZN.

  • Choose a payment method that suits you from the list of options available, such as "Bank kartı ilə ödəniş", "Mobil ödəniş", "E-manat", etc.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the payment process and receive a confirmation code.

  • Enter the confirmation code on the website and click on the "Ödənişi təsdiqlə" button.

  • Wait for a confirmation message from that your registration is successful and you can start taking the online exam.

How to prepare for online exams on

Tips and tricks for online exam success

Taking online exams on can be a great way to practice and improve your knowledge and skills, but it can also be challenging and stressful if you are not well prepared. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you achieve online exam success:

  • Plan your study time and schedule in advance and stick to it. Set realistic and specific goals for each study session and review them regularly.

  • Use a variety of study methods and materials, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, watching videos, taking notes, making flashcards, etc. Try to use different sources of information, such as textbooks, websites, podcasts, etc.

  • Practice with past or sample online exams on or other websites. Try to simulate the real exam conditions as much as possible, such as timing yourself, avoiding distractions, checking your answers, etc.

  • Review your mistakes and learn from them. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and focus on improving them. Seek feedback from others, such as teachers, peers, tutors, etc.

  • Relax and stay positive before and during the online exam. Avoid cramming or stressing out at the last minute. Take breaks and reward yourself for your efforts. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Resources and materials for online exam preparation

If you are looking for some resources and materials that can help you prepare for online exams on, here are some suggestions:

  • The official website of the SEC ([]), where you can find information about the exam types, subjects, dates, procedures, rules, etc. You can also download past or sample exam papers and answer keys for free.

  • The official YouTube channel of the SEC ([]), where you can watch videos about the exam types, subjects, tips, etc. You can also watch live broadcasts of some online exams on

  • The official Facebook page of the SEC ([]), where you can follow the latest news and updates about the online exams on You can also interact with other users and ask questions or share opinions.

  • The official Telegram channel of the SEC ([]), where you can receive notifications and reminders about the online exams on You can also access some useful links and resources for online exam preparation.

Benefits of online exam practice on

By practicing online exams on regularly, you can enjoy many benefits that can help you achieve your academic or professional goals. Some of these benefits are:

  • You can improve your knowledge and skills in various subjects and fields that are relevant to your level and purpose.

  • You can enhance your test-taking strategies and techniques that are essential for online exam success.You can increase your chances of passing the real online exams and getting the results that you want.

  • You can save time and money by taking online exams at your own pace and convenience.

  • You can have fun and enjoy the learning process by challenging yourself and competing with others.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, is an online exam platform that offers a variety of online exams for different levels and purposes. By registering for online exams on, you can practice and improve your knowledge and skills in a realistic and convenient way. You can also prepare for online exams on by following some tips and tricks and using some resources and materials. By doing so, you can enjoy many benefits that can help you achieve your academic or professional goals. qeydiyyatdan keçmək portalında onlayn sınaq imtahanları buraxılış imtahanı qəbul imtahanı test bankı siniflər üzrə sınaq imtahanları abituriyent jurnalı magistratura və doktorantura imtahanları dövlət qulluğu imtahanları rezidentura imtahanları təlimatlar bölməsi imtahan nəticələri test tapşırıqları ixtisas qrupları üzrə sınaq imtahanları fənnlər və bölmələr üzrə sınaq imtahanları onlayn test topluları interaktiv test kitabları məntiq, xarici dil və kömpyuter üzrə sınaq imtahanları Azərbaycan və rus bölmələri üzrə sınaq imtahanları Dövlət İmtahan Mərkəzi ilə əməkdaşlıq portalının xüsusiyyətləri və faydaları portalına necə qeydiyyatdan keçmək olar? portalında hansı fənnlər üzrə sınaq imtahanları mövcuddur? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının formatı və müddəti nədir? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının qiymətlendirilməsi necə aparılır? portalında sınaq imtahanlarını yenidən işləmək mümkündürmü? portalında sınaq imtahanlarını skrinşot edib paylaşmaq qadağandır? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının cavab variantları nümunəlidi? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları necə seçilir? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları necə yenilir? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları növbəti buraxılış (qeydiyyat) imtahanlarında istifad oluna bilermi? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları Dövlət İmtahan Mərkëzinin rütbelerin verilmәsi üzrә Qaydaların tәlәblәrinә uyğundurmu? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi mәnbәlәrdәn götürülür? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi mütәxәssislәr tәrәfindәn hazırlanır? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi metodikaya әsaslanır? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi mövzulara aid olur? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi çәtinlik dәrәcәsinә malikdir? portalında sınaq imtahanlarının sualları hansi formatda verilir?


Call to action and final remarks

If you are interested in taking online exams on, don't hesitate to register today and start your online exam journey. You will be amazed by how much you can learn and improve by taking online exams on You will also have fun and enjoy the learning process by challenging yourself and competing with others. is the best online exam platform for students and candidates in Azerbaijan who want to prepare for their future success.


What is the minimum age requirement to register for online exams on

There is no minimum age requirement to register for online exams on Anyone who has a valid email address and phone number can create an account and register for online exams on

How many times can I take online exams on

You can take online exams on as many times as you want, as long as you pay the exam fee for each attempt. There is no limit to the number of times you can take online exams on

How long does it take to get the results of online exams on

You can get the results of online exams on instantly after you finish taking the exam. You can also review your answers and compare them with the correct ones on the website.

Can I cancel or change my registration for online exams on

You can cancel or change your registration for online exams on up to 24 hours before the exam date and time. You can do this by logging into your account on and clicking on the "İmtahanı ləğv et" or "İmtahanı dəyiş" buttons.

Can I get a refund if I cancel my registration for online exams on

You can get a refund if you cancel your registration for online exams on up to 24 hours before the exam date and time. You can do this by contacting the customer service of the payment method that you used to pay the exam fee. 44f88ac181

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